2008. 6. 18. 11:10
Identity theft is becoming a serious social problems these days. What can we do in our daily lives to prevent the leakage of personal information?
It's nerve-breaking? two thing what could happen if someone got my personal information and decide to use it criminally. But in this digital era we only see? personal information being leaked or hacked on a massive scale. A case in point was an incident that occured at a Korean version of e-bay, called Auction. the personal information of as many as 10 million users was illegally hacked by a hacker in China. Due to these unfortunate incidence I always try to be extra-careful to keep my basis covered. First, I never stored authorization code or credit card numbers on publicly shed computers, plus I also change my passwords for a various online accounts once in a while. Also speaking of hacking, I never sign at an auspicious website that main? star spyware or nowwhere on my pc.
Key sentences.
0. It's
- nerve-racking = very(quite) nervous : 아찔한
1. But in this digital era we
- massive = huge
A case in point was an incident that occured at a Korean version of e-bay, called Auction.
- a case in point : 가장 대표적인 예가
2. The personal information of as many as 10 million users was illegally hacked by a hacker in China.
- as many as : 무려
Due to these unfortunate incidence I always try to be extra-careful to keep my
- keep my bases covered : 야구에서 루 를 지키다.
3. First, I never stored authorization code or credit card numbers on publicly
Plus I also change my passwords for a various online accounts once in a while.
- account : 은행계좌. 온라인계정
- PIN number : Secret code
- password = pass code
Also speaking of hacking, I never sign
come down a little
That's out of the question. 말도 안되요