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'생각정리+분석/English'에 해당되는 글 29

  1. 2008.06.18 080618(수) 입트영
  2. 2008.06.17 080617(화) 입트영
  3. 2008.06.16 080616(월) 입트영
  4. 2008.05.20 080520(화) 입트영
  5. 2008.05.14 080514(수) 입트영
  6. 2008.05.13 080513(화) 입트영
  7. 2008.05.09 080509(금) 입트영
  8. 2008.05.08 080508(목) 입트영
  9. 2008.05.07 080507(수) 입트영
  10. 2008.05.06 080506(화) 입트영
2008. 6. 18. 11:10 생각정리+분석/English

Identity theft is becoming a serious social problems these days. What can we do in our daily lives to prevent the leakage of personal information?

It's nerve-breaking? two thing what could happen if someone got my personal information and decide to use it criminally. But in this digital era we only see? personal information being leaked or hacked on a massive scale. A case in point was an incident that occured at a Korean version of e-bay, called Auction. the personal information of as many as 10 million users was illegally hacked by a hacker in China. Due to these unfortunate incidence I always try to be extra-careful to keep my basis covered. First, I never stored authorization code or credit card numbers on publicly shed computers, plus I also change my passwords for a various online accounts once in a while. Also speaking of hacking, I never sign at an auspicious website that main? star spyware or nowwhere on my pc.

Key sentences.

0. It's nerve-breaking? nerve-racking two thing to think what could would happen if someone got my personal information and decide to use it criminally.

 - nerve-racking = very(quite) nervous : 아찔한

1. But in this digital era we only see? always hear of personal information being leaked or hacked on a massive scale.

 - massive = huge

A case in point was an incident that occured at a Korean version of e-bay, called Auction.

 - a case in point : 가장 대표적인 예가

2. The personal information of as many as 10 million users was illegally hacked by a hacker in China.

 - as many as : 무려

Due to these unfortunate incidence I always try to be extra-careful to keep my basis bases covered.

 - keep my bases covered : 야구에서 루 를 지키다.

3. First, I never stored authorization code or credit card numbers on publicly shed shared computers.

Plus I also change my passwords for a various online accounts once in a while.

 - account : 은행계좌. 온라인계정
 - PIN number : Secret code
 - password = pass code

Also speaking of hacking, I never sign at an up on auspicious website that main? star source spyware or nowwhere and malware on my pc.

come down a little
That's out of the question. 말도 안되요

posted by 이것저것
2008. 6. 17. 17:34 생각정리+분석/English

Please describe the picture in as much detail as possible.

This There seems to be a picture of a fairly large classroom at a university. There're several blackboard at the front of the classroom. There's also an overhead projecter and a podium in front of the blackboards. The professor who is sitting at the front is talking to a female student. She seems to be asking some questions. It seems like the classes having a break as most of students are not in their seats. In fact, there're only 4 students who are in their seats. Two male students at the back seem to be discussing something. One of them has glasses on, another student in the middle seems to be going over some class materials. On the desks there're bags, water bottles, books and binders that students have left behind.

Key sentences.

1. This There seems to be a picture of a fairly large classroom at a university.

There're several blackboards at the front of the classroom.

2. There's also an overhead projecter and a podium in front of the blackboards.

- podium : it's where when a people wanna make a speech, stand up and put them those on a podium

The professor who is sitting at the front is talking to a female student.

She seems to be asking some questions.

3. It seems like the classes having a break as most of students are not in their seats.

In fact, there're only 4 students who are in their seats.

4. Two male students at the back seem to be discussing something.
- at the back <-> at the front

One of them has glasses on.
- I have contacts on.

Another student in the middle seems to be going over some class materials.

5. On the desks there're bags, water bottles, books and binders that students have left behind.

 - leave behind : 고의 혹은 부주의로 ~ 을 놔두고 가다

Expression of the day

Wait a minute. Let me get this straight. : 잠깐만, 뭐라고? (확실히 좀 하자.) (Let me clarify this)  

posted by 이것저것
2008. 6. 16. 08:52 생각정리+분석/English

Which country do you want to visit the most? Why do you want to visit that country?

On the top of my list would be Australia. I heard nothing but good stories about that country from friends who've already been there. I've heard there're so many beautiful beaches in Australia. So I'm sure it would be a paradise for me. It would be a great simply bask in the sun all day long. I'm also eager to see somewhere there exotic wildlife over there too, such as koalas and kangaroos. My friends also tell me the great barrier reef. Off the coast of northeast Australia is a must-see location. I'd love to go scuber-diving or  snurculing there. The greatest thing about Australia is there's? summer down there when it's winter up here in the northern hemisphere. I think it would make an absoltely wonderful winter vacation spot.

Key Sentences.

0. On the top of my list would be Australia.

- Australia would be on the top of my list.

1. I've heard nothing but good stories about that country from friends who've already been there.

- heard nothing but good stories about ~ = heard nothing but good things about ~

1-1. I've heard there're so many beautiful beaches in Australia. So I'm sure it would be a paradise for me.

2. It would be a great to? simply bask in the sun all day long.

- enjoy yourself : 즐기다.

- kick back and relax

3. I'm also eager to see somewhere there some of the exotic wildlife over there too, such as koalas and kangaroos.

- i'm eager to do STH = i'm so excited to do STH = really looking forward to doing STH

3-1. My friends also tell me the great barrier reef. Off the coast of northeast Australia is a must-see location.
- off the coast : 근해에

- must-see, must-do, must-eat

I'd love to go scuber-diving or  snurculing there.

4. The greatest thing about Australia is that there's? summer down there when it's winter up here in the northern hemisphere.

5. I think it would make an absoltely wonderful winter vacation spot.

Expression of the day.

That's cutting it too close. : 촉박하다?

- cut the paper edge too close
posted by 이것저것
2008. 5. 20. 08:49 생각정리+분석/English

Can you tell us about a memorable school trip you took?

One of my most memorable school trips was the one to 경주 in high school. It was a 3-day trip, so we were buzzing with excitement during the bus drive right there?. Of course the focal point of the trip was towards to 경주 historic site like 불국사 and 석굴암. The sceneary was breathtaking and we learned a lot during the tours. However, the trip's highlights were a mini __ many talent show and a campfire we had on the last day. Only a few of us were good singers or dancers, but we had a blast  these events dizzy __. The trip was all the more rewarding since our classmates were able to develop a strong bond among one another.

Key Sentences.

1. One of my most memorable school trips was the one to 경주 in high school.

2. It was a 3-day trip, so we were buzzing with excitement during the bus drive right there?.

3. Of course the focal point of the trip was towards to 경주 historic site like 불국사 and 석굴암.

  - focal point : 초점

3-1. The sceneary was breathtaking and we learned a lot during the tours.

4. However, the trip's highlights were a mini __ many talent show and a campfire we had on the last day.

4-1. Only a few of us were good singers or dancers, but we had a blast during these events dizzy __.

  - we had a blast : 정말 재밌었다.

5. The trip was all the more rewarding since our classmates were able to develop a stronger bond among one another.

  - deveop(=create) a stronger bond

Expression of the day

  - I was just doing my job.  제가 할일을 했을 뿐입니다. (아니, 뭘요)
  - It's nothing really, ~.
     = it's just STH that I should do.

우리는 모두 기대에 부풀어 소란스러웠습니다. We're all buzzing with the hope.
회사동료들끼리 좀더 돈독한 관계를 맺을 수 있는 기회였습니다. It's a good chance to develop a stronger bond with my colleagues.

posted by 이것저것
2008. 5. 14. 09:07 생각정리+분석/English

What kind of impact do you think pets have on children?

I think having a pet teaches child so many things. It doesn't matter if it's a family pet like a dog or a simple pet like hamster. Pecently, I learn so much about responsibility and carrying from having a dog as a child. It was my responsibility to give it to bath and take it how for walks. My mom fed it most of the time, but I had to be careful not to feed it things that I wasn't supposed to. I learned that my dogs are really sick after I feed whole __ of chocolates. When my dog died, I was __. Seva having a dog when I was young, I learned about love, life and even death.

Key Sentences.

1. I think having a pet teaches child so many things.

 - have a pet = keep a pet

1-1. It doesn't matter if it's a family pet like a dog or a simple pet like hamster.

 - whole family are responsible to take care of it : family pet
 - pet dog(cat) : 애완~

2. Personally Pecently, I learn so much about responsibility and caring carrying from having a dog as a child.

3. It was my responsibility to give it a to bath and take it out how for walks.

4. My mom fed it most of the time, but I had to be careful not to feed it? things that I wasn't supposed to.

4-1. I learned that when my dogs got are really sick after I fed him feed whole box of chocolates.

5. When my dog died, I was heartbroken. So by Seva having a dog when I was young, I learned about love, life and even death.

 - emotionally wounded = heartbroken

Expression of the day

- There's no telling what will happen.  어떻게 될지 모르잖아~
   = you don't know what will be the result of STH.

what the outcome may be.
who will win the game,
what the weather will be tomorrow.

어항에 물을 갈아주는건 제 책임입니다.  It was my responsibility to change the water in the fish tank.
그들은 헤어지면서 무척 마음아파 했습니다. They were heartbroken to say goodbye.
posted by 이것저것
2008. 5. 13. 09:11 생각정리+분석/English

why would anyone not be able to go to work or school?
- Because he/she is not feeling __ of course
- you have some important family business to take care of
- natural disaster, some kind of accidents
- drank too much the night before, terrible hang over

Tell us about the incident when you are not able to go to work or school for some reason.

I'm never calling sick for work. But I had to do so one time when I've got food poisoning a few month ago. I aid checking go __ from a street vender earlier in the day. I'm not the taste was a little off but just __ anyways, however later about a day my stomach felt really uneasy. In the evening I had a shout pain in my stomach. And I had to go to the bathroom many times. Because I felt like throwing up. that pretty much when on all night long. I called and seek for work the next day and went to see a doctor first thing in the morning. I was so drain then I take a second day off of work.

Key sentences.

contaminating food

0. I'm never calling in sick for work.

 - call in sick : 병가를 내다.

1. But I had to do so this one time when I've got food poisoning a few month ago.

 - get food poisoning = have food poisoning

2. I ate aid chicken kebab checking go __ from a street vender earlier in the day.

 - earlier in the day : 오전께. 하루중 일찍

2-1. I'm not thought that the taste was a little off but just ate it anyways.

 - the taste was a little off : 맛이 가다. (싱겁거나 짤때도 사용 가능)

3. However later that about a day my stomach felt really uneasy.

3-1. In the evening I had a shot shout pain in my stomach. And I had to go to the bathroom many times because I felt like throwing up.

3-2. that pretty much went when on all night long.

4. I called in sick and seek for work the next day and went to see a doctor first thing in the morning.

 - first thing in the morning : 아침에 일어나서 가장 먼저 한 일은

5. I was so drain then I take a second day off (of) work.

 - drain : all energy sucked out
      ex)  emotionally drain. physically drain

Expression of the day

 - I was held up in traffic.  차가 막혔다.
      i was held up the meeting, in class, in an argument.
posted by 이것저것
2008. 5. 9. 15:08 생각정리+분석/English

Please describe the picture in? as much detail as possible.

It's good to summer day in? the beach. the sky is beautiful with some white clouds in the background. This must be an arid sunny __ around. Since I can see many pountries in the picture. Some people are getting shaped from the sun under sun beach umbrella. A gentle tide is coming in from the ocean and some people are swimming in the water. The sand on the beach looks so fine and warm. There're also __ some buildings in the background that look like hotels. Since I located rush in front of the beach, I'm sure you can get a great view from the hotel windows.

Key sentences.

1. It's good a gorgeous to summer day in? at the beach.

 - gorgeous = good : 사람, 정말 좋은 날씨를 묘사할때

1-1. The sky is beautiful with some white clouds in the background.

 - in the background : 후방에는, 배경에는

2. This must be an area arid that's sunny all year around. Since I can see many palm trees pountries in the picture.

 - all year round : 연중내내
 - palm tree : 야자수 나무

3. Some people are getting shade shaped from the sun under sun beach umbrella.

 - parasol : 양산     cf: beach umbrella

4. A gentle tide is coming in from the ocean and some people are swimming in the water.

 - tide = wave

4-1. The sand on the beach looks so fine and warm.

4-2. There're also some buildings in the background that look like hotels.

 - look like = seem like = seem to be

5. Since I located right rush in front of the beach, I'm sure you can get a great view from the hotel windows.

 - room with a ocean view (or city view, mountain view, lake view)
 - right on the beach

Expression of the day.

Oh come on, it's written all over your face. = it's obvious.

이 지역에는 연중 비가 옵니다.  it's raining int this area all year round.
우리 파라솔 몇개 빌려오자. Let's lend some sun beach umbrella.

posted by 이것저것
2008. 5. 8. 09:01 생각정리+분석/English

Today is Parent's day in Korea. Tell us what you're going to do for your parents today.

It's a Korean custom to give Carnations to parents on Parent's day. So I've already pick some up for mom and dad yesterday. With the flowers I'll give them a parents day card. I've also got some great plans lined up for today. First, I'm taking my parents out for dinner at a restaurant they both love for years. The place is a bit pricy, but I don't want to spare any expenses since my parents have done so much for me. After dinner we'll going to a violin concert at the Seoul Art Center. My parents are really into classical music. So I know that the concert will be just the things to make their day.

Key Sentences.  

1. It's a Korean custom to give Carnations to parents on Parents day.

1-1. So I've already picked some up? for mom and dad yesterday. With the flowers I'll give them a parents day card.

2. I've also got some great plans lined up for today.

 - lined up : one after the other

3. First, I'm taking my parents out for dinner at a restaurant they've both loved for years.

 - take SB out for dinner(lunch, movie, drink) : SB에게 ~를 대접하다

3-1. The place is a bit pricy, but I don't want to spare any expenses since my parents have done so much for me.

3-2. After dinner we'll going to a violin concert at the Seoul Art Center.

4. My parents are really into classical music.

 - be into STH : ~에 빠져있다.

5. So I know that the concert will be just the things to make their day.

 - you makes me very happy : you made my day
 - just the thing = a perfect thing
posted by 이것저것
2008. 5. 7. 09:02 생각정리+분석/English

How often do you work out at the gym? What kind of exercises do you do?

I hit the gym three times a week on average. I always start my work-out with some weight training. On mondays I work out my chest and shoulders, on wednesdays and fridays I work out my biceps, triceps and my legs. I used to use machines when I first started but now I switched to free weights, such as babels and dumbels. I think that give me better results. After lifting weights, I usually do an hour of _tense_ cadio exercise on the treadmill or exercise bike. After that, I also do a few excessive sit-ups for my ass. I really like working out because I can keep in shape and it's also a great way to relieve my stress.  

health club -> gym

Key sentences.

1. I hit the gym three times a week on average.

 - hit = go to

2. I always start my workout with some weight training.

 - work out : verb,  workout : noun

2-1. On mondays I work on out my chest and shoulders, on wednesdays and fridays I work on out my biceps, triceps and my legs.

 - theighs : 허벅지,   calf(calves) : 장딴지

I used to use machines when I first started but now I switched to free weights, such as babels and dumbels.

I think they that give me better results.

3. After lifting weights, I usually do an hour of _tense_ cadio exercise on the treadmill or exercise bike.

 - cardio (vescular) exercise : blood pumping and heart beating, burn fat  <-> weight training
 - running machine -> treadmill
 - semi stationary bike = exercise bike

4. After that, I also do a few sets of excessive sit-ups for my aps ass.

 - aps = abdorminal murcles = 6 packs
 - reps = repetitions 반복횟수

5. I really like working out because I can keep in shape and it's also a great way to relieve my stress.  

Expression of the day

Can you get the door?  밖에 누가 왔는지 나가봐줄래요?

 - can you get the phone(=call)?
posted by 이것저것
2008. 5. 6. 18:18 생각정리+분석/English
Tell us about your future career plan.

I am currently in University studying economics. After I graduated, I see myself working for some company related to my field. However I worry about getting tied down in a dead-end job too early. So unless an amazing opportunity comes up, I'll probably extend my education. In fact, I'd like to go study abroad. I hope to get into an MBA program at an American university. As English skills and global networking are so important these days. I believe that the MBA degree will help me advance in my career. After that I'll be ready to come back to Korea and hopefully find my dream job.

Expression of the day

if you don't mind me asking, ( did you break up with Mark? )    혹시 물어보는게 실례가 안된다면,
posted by 이것저것
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