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2008. 5. 9. 15:08 생각정리+분석/English

Please describe the picture in? as much detail as possible.

It's good to summer day in? the beach. the sky is beautiful with some white clouds in the background. This must be an arid sunny __ around. Since I can see many pountries in the picture. Some people are getting shaped from the sun under sun beach umbrella. A gentle tide is coming in from the ocean and some people are swimming in the water. The sand on the beach looks so fine and warm. There're also __ some buildings in the background that look like hotels. Since I located rush in front of the beach, I'm sure you can get a great view from the hotel windows.

Key sentences.

1. It's good a gorgeous to summer day in? at the beach.

 - gorgeous = good : 사람, 정말 좋은 날씨를 묘사할때

1-1. The sky is beautiful with some white clouds in the background.

 - in the background : 후방에는, 배경에는

2. This must be an area arid that's sunny all year around. Since I can see many palm trees pountries in the picture.

 - all year round : 연중내내
 - palm tree : 야자수 나무

3. Some people are getting shade shaped from the sun under sun beach umbrella.

 - parasol : 양산     cf: beach umbrella

4. A gentle tide is coming in from the ocean and some people are swimming in the water.

 - tide = wave

4-1. The sand on the beach looks so fine and warm.

4-2. There're also some buildings in the background that look like hotels.

 - look like = seem like = seem to be

5. Since I located right rush in front of the beach, I'm sure you can get a great view from the hotel windows.

 - room with a ocean view (or city view, mountain view, lake view)
 - right on the beach

Expression of the day.

Oh come on, it's written all over your face. = it's obvious.

이 지역에는 연중 비가 옵니다.  it's raining int this area all year round.
우리 파라솔 몇개 빌려오자. Let's lend some sun beach umbrella.

posted by 이것저것